Event Area Category of Eiden Line(Shimogamo Shrine, Shugakuin Imperial Villa, Iwakura)
2013/07/23 - 07/29
KEIBUNSHA Gallery Enfer Hours: 10:00 ~ 22:00 (last day closing at 18:00) Closed: -
2013/07/13 - 07/23
KEIBUNSHA Seikatsukan mini gallery Hours:10:00 ~ 22:00 (last day closing at 18:00) Closed: -
2013/07/12 - 07/19
Gallery Fleur (Kyoto Seika University) Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:00 (entry up to 15 minutes before closing.) Closed: Sunday
2013/07/11 - 07/28
trance pop gallery Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 (first day closing at 21:00)(last day closing at 17:00) Closed: Monday
2013/07/10 - 07/14
Black bird White bird Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00 Closed: Monday (Tuesday is not fixed)
2013/07/09 - 07/22
2013/07/06 - 07/12
2013/07/05 - 07/19
Galerie Aube Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:00 (~17:00 only on January 29) Closed: Sunday and January 30
2013/07/05 - 07/17
gallery near Hours: 12:00 ~ 22:00 (last day closing at 17:00) Closed: Thursday, July 11(thu)
2013/07/02 - 07/15
prinz Hours: 11:30 ~ 23:00 (last day closing at 18:00) Closed: –
2013/07/02 - 07/08
2013/06/26 - 06/26
2013/06/25 - 07/01
2013/06/25 - 06/29
7-23 Gallery (Kyoto Seika University) Hours: 12:00 ~ 19:00
2013/06/22 - 07/05
2013/06/06 - 07/07
2013/05/27 - 08/10
Kyoto Institute of Technology Museum and Archives Hours: 10:00 ~ 17:00 (entry up to 30 minutes before closing.) Closed: Sunday, national holiday
2013/01/18 - 02/02
2012/07/02 - 07/21
Gallery Fleur (Kyoto Seika University) Hours:10:30 ~ 18:30 Closed:Sunday, holiday and depend on university office