(日本語) 第5期HAPSスタジオ使用者決定!
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2 Apr, 2016
ULTRA X HAPS TALK 003 “Spectrum to Spectre”
ULTRA X HAPS TALK – Connecting Kyoto and the World through Contemporary...
(日本語) アサヒ・アートスクエア公募説明会 in HAPSオフィス
Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.
GA TALK 024 “Continuing to Respond to Circumstances, Conditions, and Environments” by Hiroyuki Hattori (Curator / Associate professor, Akita University of Art / Affiliate Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts)
GLOBAL ART TALK 024 “Continuing to Respond to Circumstances, Conditions, and Environments”...