Summer Exhibition for Parents and Children Series: ‘What is Raku?’ – Tezukune Hand Moulding and Wheel Throwing

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Summer Exhibition for Parents and Children Series: ‘What is Raku?’ – Tezukune Hand Moulding and Wheel Throwing
July 26, 2014 (sat) – September 7, 2014 (sun) 

Admission: Adults: 1000yen
Students (university): 800yen
Students (high school): 400yen
Junior high school students and under :free


Raku Museum
Access: 84 Aburanokôji Nakadachi-uri agaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto,
602-0923, Japan 
Tel: 075-414-0304
Hours: 10:00 ~ 16:30
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Open: if the Monday is a national holiday)


Raku tea bowls are hand-built without a use of the wheel and the basic bowl shapes are then carefully trimmed with the spatula to reach their perfection.
Their well-balanced shape endowed with a soft contour is born out of the Raku unique hand moulding method called Tezukune using the palm of both hands. In contrast, wheel throwing is as if to catch the shape the moment it is formed by spinning of the wheel.
The exhibition is to compare two totally different types of pottery formation, Tezukune hand moulding and wheel throwing, highlighting distinguished characteristics made by these two contrasting methods.

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