PHOTOHOLICS“Photoholic 2018 ”

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PHOTOHOLICS“Photoholic 2018 ”
Apr 24, 2018 (tue) – Apr 29, 2018 (sun)
Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:30 (Last day untill 17:00)
Admission: free


PHOTO GALLERY ARTisan Japanesque 1F“Tsuki”
Access: 374-2, Horiikecho, Higashiyama-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 605-0038, Japan
Tel: 080 ( 5988 ) 7720
Hours: 11:00 ~ 18:30
Closed: -


PHOTOHOLICS photo exhibition of “Photoholic 2018” is held at Kyoto Museum of Photography Gallery Japanesque 2F “Hana” From Tue., Apr 24 to Sun., Apr 29 2018.

PHOTOHOLICS is composed of photoinstructors that are designated by Japan PhotoInstructor Organization in 2016.
They have held photo sessions regularly since PHOTOHOLICS was formed. On this occasion, they hold photo exhibition of “Photoholic 2018”.
This group exhibition contains various objects and styles because it is held by 6 photographers that each of them has their field of expertise.
“PHOTOHOLIC 2018 ” will be unique and be rich in variety.

In the exhibition, some workshops are going to be held.
PHOTOHOLICS hopes that a lot of people participate in their workshops with their artworks.

【Artist Profile】

11 members, who are designated by Japan PhotoInstructor Organization in 2016, compose this group.
Since then, they held photo sessions and workshops regularly.

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