PARASOPHIA: Kyoto International Festival of Contemporary Culture 2015

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PARASOPHIA: Kyoto International Festival of Contemporary Culture 2015
March 7, 2015(sut) - May 10, 2015 (sun)

Adults: 1,800 JPY (advance tickets: 1,400 JPY)
University students/over 70: 1,200 JPY (advance tickets: 900 JPY)
* High school students and visitors under 18 will be admitted free of charge.

Artist:Lisa Anne Auerbach, Nairy Baghramian|, Cai Guo-Qiang, Joost Conijn, , Stan Douglas, Simon Fujiwara , Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster , Hoefner/Sachs , Yoshimasa Ishibashi, Emiko Kasahara, William Kentridge, Ann Lislegaard, Tatsuo Majima , Aernout Mik, Susan Philipsz, Florian Pumhösl, Pipilotti Rist, Arin Rungjang, Aki Sasamoto, Tadasu Takamine, Koki Tanaka, Ana Torfs, Rosemarie Trockel, Danh Vo, Hong-Kai Wang, Miwa Yanagi


Main Venue
Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art
Access: 13, Okazaki Saishojicho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 606-8342, Japan
Tel: 075-771-4107
Hours: 9:00 ~ 17:00(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday
(Open: if the Monday is a national holiday)

The Museum of Kyoto
Access: Sanjo-Takakura,Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto, 604-8183, Japan 
Tel: 075-222-0888
Hours: 10:00 ~ 18:00/Tuesday ~ Thursday and Weekend
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
10:00 ~ 19:30/Friday
(entry up to 30 minutes before closing.)
Closed: Monday (Tuesday if the Monday is a national holiday)

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