TIMELINE:Multiple measures to touch time

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TIMELINE:Multiple measures to touch time
Apr 24, 2019 (Wed) – Jun 23, 2019 (Sun)
Hours: 9:30〜16:30 (Entrance up to 16:00)
Closed:Mon, Tuesday
University,High school students:¥300
Elementary and Junior high school students:¥200


The Kyoto University Museum
Access:Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan


This ex­hi­bi­tion is intended to serve as a platform for the participants, who engage directly in making, presenting, and conserving artworks while working as an artist, an installer, a con­ser­va­tor, and an art historian, respectively or multiply, and who are concerned with all those aspects together, to exchange ideas about diverse temporalities and lives of both humans and artworks. Creating artworks, or conserving and studying artworks at public institutions, they have different specialized skills in respective fields, yet share one method: they tackle art squarely though the act of “touching” artworks that have physical forms. Constantly speculating and experimenting by trial and error on how to formulate things, how to preserve them, what would stay, and what should be eliminated, their contemplations, while negotiating with the flow of time, ceaselessly come and go between objects and non-objects, a process that eventually guides them in a new direction each time.

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