Identify Identities -with wordgraphy-

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Gallery Fleur, Isamu Fukui Solo Exhibition
July 2, 2012 (Tue) – July 21, 2012 (Sat)
Admission: free
Artists: Isamu Fukui


Gallery Fleur (Kyoto Seika University)
Access: 137 Kino-cho, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8588 JAPAN
Tel: 075-702-5291
Hours: 10:30 ~ 18:30
Closed: Sunday, holiday and depend on university office


This exhibition is by Satoko Nagashima, a graduate of oil painting from the Faculty of Art, Kyoto Seika University, 2003. In this exhibition, a collection (which began in 2008) of paintings, computer graphics and movies, titled “wordgraphy” all which have been created using words, is introduced.
When we examine the artworks from certain views, we can notice the works are drawn using actual words. When we face the artworks, do we look at the paintings without reading texts or do we read the paintings through looking at the word forms? Or, lastly, after we understand the meanings of the words, do the meanings of these works change? I hope that visitors will try to look into these works deeply and see the different levels of meaning.

About the exhibition title, “Identify Identities”.
In his book, Identity (published by Kanazawabunko, 1973), Erik H. Erikson advocated that all people’s identities should be identified straightforwardly, without a fault, by the society which surrounds them.
I think that “identify all people’s identities” may be a major premise for modern companies, societies and communities, however is this real?
As a main concept for this exhibition, I have tried to transform art actions into the models’ identification.

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