“TALKEN ABOUT…” Tou Nagashima Exhibition

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スクリーンショット 2018-08-24 19.43.55


“TALKEN ABOUT…” Tou Nagashima Exhibition
Aug 28, 2018 (tue) – Oct 14, 2018 (sun)
Hours: 10:00-18:00
Admission: free



art space co-jin
Access:1F Les Frères, 83, Miyagakicho, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 602-0853, Japan
Tel: 050-1110-7655
Hours: 10:00 ~ 18:00


A young man called Tou Nagashima is a chatterbox. His words are full of questions and exclamation marks over his endless interest / curiosity.
He has kept a picture diary since his early childhood and produced a series of “Shin Kuyakusho” and “Neyurito”. He expresses his vision through designing “Shin Kuyakusho” town in graphic design software, where humanized characters such as trains and traffic lights live and those characters reflect various personalities. In his imaginary country, “Neyuri”, a capital of “Demposu”, where living cost is low, legal speed is almost free setting and unique technical skills are appreciated.
This exhibition shows his production based on the picture diary that he has kept for over 15 years. It also focuses on his various interests of marine life, national flag, lighting equipment, cornerstone design and that helps understand his activity on the whole.
Enjoy his unique world transformed through his extravagant images.

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